Hello All,
Once again we are at the cusp of another Nova Open. All of the work and dedication our Board, staff, and Volunteers put forth this year are about to pay off. This is going to be the best Nova yet! The last few weekends have been busy as can be getting everything ready to give you the best 4 days in your gaming year.
Here I was thinking I was done till the event. Boy was I wrong. There were Swag Bags to pack VIP bags to prep and all kinds of other things that needed to be done so that the event can happen. It is a very exciting period. Lots of stuff vs. little time. Anyway I am happy to say that the gang (Board, staff, and Volunteers) really kicked it into high gear and made everything look easy. To all you folks that helped THANKS! The event would not happen without you.
This last weekend we decided to sneak a camera into the Nova stronghold to get you, the reader, a sneak peek into what is going on.
There were more than I can count (even with my shoes off...) take a look at this taste of what is to come.
It's good to be the VIP! |
Fantastic Art! |
Is that a grill? Nova is crazy! |
Lots of Games! |
I smell 40K prizes |
Random Raffle prizes |
Packed and ready to go! |
Flames of war prize bags |
Swag Bags |
Prize packs tagged and Bagged |
Will it all fit? |
Mike is not so sure. |
Well anyway that was Saturday. The NOVA is just days away and I for one can't wait! See you all there!
I will try to do some posts during the event but no promises.
I will have my camera so there will be a ton of pictures afterwards though.
Till Next time