Monday, July 16, 2012

The Road to NOVA 17 We can see the light!

Hello All,

This past Sunday's build session was nothing less than brilliant. I am not sure just how many people showed up, but it seemed like everywhere I looked there were folks working on all kinds of terrain projects.
Lets just say there were enough people in attendance to work on 40K, Infinity, and Warmachine/Hordes at the same time!

Pieces waiting to be dry brushed

One our new "Center pieces"

Check out these remastered hills.

Stuff from NOVA 2011

At one point we had 5 airbrush stations going at once. All under the new pavilion that is keeping safe from the evil that some call "THE SUN". Take a look at this...

Yea were that cool (under the sunshade that is...)

We also had our top notch build team hard at work building you a better NOVA!

Like  a boss!

Terrain Build theme

The Infinity team hit the ground running with their "Shanty town" terrain that will be featured during Infinity's premier  at the 2012 NOVA! Check this out.

Shanty house

Wait till their painted

Not to be left behind the boys from Warmachine knocked out a ton of barricades and small hills.

Lastly here is a progress pic of the Lincoln memorial getting all wired up for the narrative... This is going to be cool!

This is ether the monument getting wired up for lighting or plans for the heist of the Lincoln statue right out from under the watchful eyes of DC's finest. 

Well till next time


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